Upcoming events

  • Fraternal Fiesta

    May 9 - 7:00-9:00M

    Gents and gauchos, don’t pack your pins or fold up your flags and flowers just yet. We’ve got one more brotherhood bash to close out this season of Men’s Ministry at Grace. Fraternal Fiesta will be hosted at the home of Will Hausser, and will feature 100% fun and feasting. Save the date, dress to impress, and do your besta to make the fiesta.

    Email Pastor Brit for more details

  • Picnic in the Park

    Picnic in the Park

    May 18 - 5:00PM

    Each year, we celebrate the birthday of the Church (Pentecost) with a picnic in the park! This Saturday evening party from 5:00-7:30pm will feature competition-winning barbecue, kickball, games, fellowship, and your best potluck dish! Click the sign up below to claim a dish or volunteer for set-up or tear-down.